What is Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift?

Buttock Bioplasty aka Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift, is a biomodeling technique, without incisions or scars; it is an aesthetic procedure performed under local anesthesia, using a soft tissue filler based on polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres which is instilled inside the glúteal anatomical planes through a puncture using a blunt microcannula.

Bioplasty was created by Dr. Almir Moojen Nácul, in Brazil in the 90s but both technique and filling product have been further enhanced and upgraded since then.

Bioplasty as a Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Procedure, lies between Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine.

PMMA microspheres are suspended in a gel made of Hydroxyethyl cellulose which is a biocompatible and slowly biodegradable substance that acts as a vehicle for the microspheres as well as providing a cushioned and friendly environment for microspheres to be implanted.

Hydroxyethyl cellulose also provides an immediate tissue expansion; as time goes by microspheres create a scaffold for new tissue growth alike the one produced by the human body.

Adipose tissues lost by aging, diets or diseases are restored, achieving a very natural rejuvenation.

Being that latest generation Linnea Safe PMMA substance is used in conjunction with blunt microcannulas, Bioplasty, in the correct hands, is totally safe and lesser traumatic and aggressive than surgical procedures; it leaves no bruises or scars allowing a virtually instantaneous recovery.

Most common areas to be treated with Bioplasty are face, lips, chin, nose, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, hands and glutes.

Bioplasty for areas such as pectorals, biceps, triceps or calves lacks medical consensus for its performance. We do not recommend it.

Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift is Bioplasty done on buttocks.