Buttocks augmentation trend began decades ago and has basically focused on projecting buttocks backwards without taking into account their lateral counterparts represented by the hips.
Hips are important not only from a functional point of view, but also because they bring beauty and contour to the figure, since projecting only backwards produces a lack of harmony and balance; to put it hilariously, such a figure resembles the silhouette of a wasp.
When considering enhancing the volume of the gluteal area, it should be kept in mind that hips and glutes are an indivisible unit.
A derriere without lateral contour, subtracts femininity from the final context. The current trendy figure gravitates around the Volleyball Bumbum with a delicate accent to women’s natural curves.
Patients should keep in mind that the safety protocol for bioplasty recommends a maximum amount to be infiltrated depending on each person’s anatomy and it should be distributed between the buttocks and the hips with an emphasis on the area that mostly requires it.