Non Surgical BBL With Fillers: How does it work?

The formula for beautiful Buttocks is Contour, Projection and Definition.

It is our aim to clarify misunderstandings, doubts and dissipate those unfounded fears that exist about Non Surgical BBL and PMMA-based dermal fillers, all of them having arisen from the disinformation due to publications and videos that try to demonize and discredit the use of PMMA in Aesthetic Medicine describing it as a dangerous product trying to make comparisons that border on the absurd to the point of equating PMMA to those water gel beads that are used in flower pots.

First off, let’s start by defining Non Surgical BBL With Fillers aka Bioplasty of the Buttocks.

Non Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure to improve the appearance of the buttocks/hip complex by providing toning, contouring and projection. 

As the name suggests, it is not surgery, unlike the autologous fat transplant or plain Brazilian Butt Lift, which uses the patient’s own adipose tissue extracted from other areas of the body through a surgical procedure called liposuction. 

In Non Surgical BBL, a biocompatible dermal filler of similar consistency as the adipose tissue present in the internal tissues of the buttocks is injected into the most external layer of the hypodermis, immediately below the dermis. When the correct dermal filler is used, significant advantages are obtained over surgical BBL, in addition to the avoidance of surgical hassle. 

Non Surgical BBL With Fillers main advantage over surgical BBL derives from the fact that the transplanted fat has a relatively short life span, since no matter how refined and sophisticated the transplanting technique is, it has not been possible to go beyond a 20-30% fat grafts survival rate, being this the main reason of complaint of the patients who generally do not see noticeable results a year after having undergone this surgery. 

Another great advantage of Non Surgical BBL is that it is a perfectly suitable procedure for slender people who lack enough fatty tissue for a conventional BBL.

Which dermal fillers are used in Non Surgical BBL?

In the US and Canada there are basically 4 brands of dermal fillers used in buttocks, all of them designed for facial use only, namely:


It is perhaps the most popular. It contains polylactic acid (PLLA). However, its high cost, low viscosity and short permanence in the body do not make it very conducive to non-surgical BBL.


It contains calcium hydroxyapatite as the active constituent being also a product for facial use and therefore suffers from the same disadvantages as Sculptra. 

Bellafill (formerly Artefill) 

Even though it is based on PMMA microspheres, excellent connective tissue stimulants, the vehicle used in suspending the microspheres is bovine collagen that makes it a low viscosity and short lifespan product only suitable for facial use, hence not fit to be injected into the buttocks.

All the above-mentioned substances are used off-label for buttocks thus, while not harmful, their effectiveness is almost negligible for non-surgical BBL fillers.

For obvious reasons, we have not mentioned in this list those substances of dubious origin, possibly derived from liquid silicone, which must be avoided at all costs due to their harmful consequences for human beings. These are the fillers used by so-called illegal injectors who are not in the medical profession.

The reason why Brazilian FDA-approved PMMA-based dermal fillers are ideal for Non-Surgical BBL.

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a versatile substance with multiple uses in modern industry.

This is particularly true in medical sciences due to its high degree of biocompatibility being used in intraocular and contact lenses manufacturing, bone cement, orthopedic prostheses and so on.

In aesthetic medicine, PMMA is used to manufacture dermal fillers due to the possibility of obtaining microscopic spheres of thousandths of an inch, not visible to the human eye, which have the property to stimulate the formation of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin, key components of the connective tissue which is essential to provide volume and elasticity to the areas being treated.

These tiny microspheres are mixed with a biocompatible substance serving as a vehicle to transport them to the site chosen by the doctor. PMMA microspheres and the vehicle form a so-called “biphasic gel”

Brazil has a three-decade long tradition as a leader in  Buttock Bioplasty or Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift, as it is called today.

Developed by Dr. Almir Nacul in the early 90s, bioplasty and the substances used for this purpose have gone through several stages of refinement and improvement.

Brazilian PMMA dermal fillers, especially designed for buttocks use hydroxyethyl cellulose as the vehicle to transport the microspheres; they have an adequate consistency and viscosity and an excellent biocompatibility, besides a much longer life-span than bovine collagen; these properties allow the dermal filler acting as a tissue expander, increasing anatomical capacity as well as replenishing volume and strengthening tissues internally.

Linnea Safe brand Brazilian FDA PMMA filler, is considered a long lasting soft biocompatible filler offering protection and cushioning to the microspheres until they promote the reinforcement of gluteal inner tissues. A minimum of 6-7 years of intact presence is guaranteed by this high quality product; it never disappears as it promotes the growth of new tissues, there is no resorption as such but intelligent interaction with the human body.

At this point we consider we should make an important remark: it is totally false that PMMA microspheres produce lumps or bumps; their microscopic size and perfect spherical shape (achieved by UMSS technology) would not allow for it. Their function is only to serve as seeds that trigger the production of new connective tissue, i.e. collagen, elastin and fibroblasts.

Unfortunately, we are immersed in a culture that hides the risks of excessive buttock volume, ignoring medical criteria and standards; then complications arise such as necrosis when hampering blood circulation inside tissues, which are forced to expand aggressively; results are drastic: darkened areas, tromboembolism, heavy buttocks that tend to fall by force of gravity and all the side effects that these reactions entail for the body, the immune system, the kidneys and the liver apart from the migration of the excess of filler that is forced by the pressure to find an escape route.

Non Surgical BBL With Fillers (Bioplasty) is not about indiscriminately filling buttocks, instead a way of promoting definition, firmness, inner strength of the tissues as well as improving and enhancing shape and contour of the overall gluteal area.

Some important facts about Non-Surgical BBL With Fillers.

Can anyone undergo Non Surgical BBL?

No. This procedure requires a preliminary evaluation by a specialist to know if they are a suitable candidate. In general terms, the requirements are

  • No overweight
  • Not having a high level of flaccidity in the gluteal area.
  • Not having a high volume of fibrotic tissue as a result of previous surgical BBLs.
  • Not having undergone injections of unknown substances performed by non-physicians. Clandestine injectors blatantly claim that they use legitimate dermal fillers when in reality, and in the best of cases, they use the nefarious liquid silicone.

Is anesthesia used in the non-surgical BBL procedure?

Only local anesthesia (lidocaine) is used to numb the area to be injected to avoid discomfort to the patient. Neither general anesthesia nor sedation is used since the procedure is not surgery.

What aftercare is required following a non-surgical BBL procedure?

  • A non-compressive shaping garment should be worn for about 3 weeks. 
  • When sitting, a firm cushion should be placed under the thighs so that the buttocks do not receive too much pressure and deform them. This will only be necessary for one month.
  • Avoid impact sports for at least 4 months.
  • Sunbathing or tanning sessions are not recommended for three months.

When may patients return to their daily activity routine?

As long as the simple guidelines above are followed, only one day of rest is needed, after which the person can resume all their activities.

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